Kim Hobbs


Westmead Centre for Gynaecological Cancer
Westmead Hospital
Hawkesbury Rd, WESTMEAD NSW 2145
Ph: 02 8890 6699

20+ Years Experience

Kim Hobbs holds a Masters degree in Social Work. She has a long career in oncology social work, and is working at Westmead Centre for Gynaecological Cancer in Sydney, NSW. The Westmead Centre offers psychosocial support services as an integral component of comprehensive cancer care for women with gynaecological cancer and their families throughout the illness trajectory. Kim’s current position is Clinical Specialist Social Worker (Level 6). Her research interests have led to several publications in international peer-reviewed journals, and she has authored and co-authored three chapters in two Australian books.

Kim has been a member of several committees and working parties, advocating for improved services in oncology and developing resources for use by clinicians and consumers. This has involved working in partnership with various stakeholder peak bodies including Cancer Australia, NSW Cancer Council, Cancer Institute NSW, Association of Clinical Innovation (NSW Health), and Psycho-Oncology Co-Operative Research Group (PoCoG). Kim is currently the OSWANZ representative on the COSA Council, the Health Services Advisory Committee of Cancer Council Australia and the Scientific Advisory Committee of PoCoG.

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