About Us
We are dedicated to
Facilitating Communication
Assisting Advocacy
Promoting Research
Further Education
Improving Care of People Affected by Cancer

Excellence in psychosocial oncology
Oncology Social Work Australia & New Zealand (OSWANZ) is a non-profit, incorporated international organisation dedicated to the enhancement of psychosocial services to people with cancer and their families.
This specialist body was formed to assist social workers in their practice and currently has over 140 active members who strive for excellence in the psychosocial care of people with cancer and those affected by cancer, through networking, education, advocacy, research and resource development.
OSWANZ Members
- Practise in hospitals, outpatient clinics, home care and palliative care, patient advocacy organisations and other settings.
- Link individuals diagnosed with cancer and their families with essential community, regional, state, national and international resources.
- Are an integral part of the multidisciplinary oncology team.
- All oncology social workers adhere to the AASW Code of Ethics OR the SWRB Code of Conduct and/or ANZASW Code of Ethics.
For people diagnosed with cancer, an oncology social worker is an important member of the health-care team. An oncology social worker provides services including:
- Supportive counselling regarding grief and loss, crisis, body image, sexual and intimacy, carer issues, role and identity changes etc.
- Education around psychosocial impacts of cancer and strategies for addressing these
- Information and referrals to community resources
- Support groups
- Family meetings
- Discharge planning
- Advocacy for cancer patients and their families/carers
- Help to navigate the health-care system
- Practical assistance with financial difficulties, accommodation and transport concerns
Upcoming Events
- There are no upcoming events.
our mission
To maintain and enhance an ethical professional organisation for a membership actively engaged in providing best practice evidence informed psychosocial cancer care for patients, their families and friends; and, leadership in advocating for social justice on their behalf.